DP 3 Workbook

This week the Confirmation students will be covering Decision Point Session 3: “The Jesus Question”.  In preparing for Confirmation, the Confirmandi are deciding to follow Jesus. This lesson explores who Jesus was. He was a real person that had radical teachings for his time and created a new way to live.  By choosing to follow Jesus, everyone needs to keep their relationship with God in mind. While we are not perfect and do sin, we have been given the gift of reconciliation. This helps give us the Grace to try harder and become the best versions of ourselves. So many of the world’s problems stem from people choosing to turn their backs to God. Christianity/Catholicism gives us a guide on the best way to live our lives.

We would love for caregivers to watch the video segments with their Confirmation student and discuss the questions together.

DP 3 Videos

Jesus the Question - Discussion Questions 3.1
Jesus the Question - Discussion Questions 3.2
Jesus the Question - Discussion Questions 3.3
Jesus the Question - Discussion Questions 3.4
Jesus the Question - Journal Questions